If you sell age restricted products, we have you covered at AgeChecked.

Use our seamless age verification software to protect your business without damaging your bottom-line.

Which Sectors do We Specialise in?

At AgeChecked, we specialise in the sectors outlined below – however are not exclusive to those industries. If you sell age restricted products, book a demo to see how our age verification software works.


A fully compliant solution adhering to LCCP regulations for RMG and FTP websites


Use a seamless age verification process to verify the age of your customers


Ensure that your customers are over the age of 18 before they purchase from you


Selling to under 18’s is illegal, protect your business with age verification


Make sure that your site and content is only accessible to over 18’s


Carry out checks appropriate to the medication you are supplying


Protect your charity by ensuring players are over the legal age