Are Age-Restricted Beauty Products on the Horizon?

When we think of age-restricted products, it’s often obvious examples such as alcohol and tobacco that come to mind. While these are certainly the most well-known, age restrictions exist for a [...]

Why TikTok has become a magnet for unscrupulous vape retailers

It’s getting harder out there for unscrupulous vape retailers to sell fake vapes to underage customers. Trading Standards in the UK have been busy lately – recent operations in London and [...]

Why having the right age-check systems is a quality mark for vape retailers

Vaping was recently cited in an independent review of the Government’s smoke-free ambitions as a key part of the UK’s smoke-free strategy. But alongside recognition of the benefits of vaping, [...]

Free e-cigarettes for smokers in A&E trial – could this boost the UK vaping industry?

Back in 2019, it was reported that there were around 6.9 million people in the UK who considered themselves to be smokers. Despite government measures in retail stores to cover up cigarette [...]

Your Brand Is Your Most Precious Asset, Protect It

As you are aware, your E-commerce brand helps you become known, trusted, even loved. Customers identify personally with brands and fiercely defend them in the face of opposition. This level of [...]

Alabama alcohol delivery bill signed – is verification on delivery enough?

Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, businesses around the world have been looking into methods that could help them to generate more income while their doors were closed to the public. [...]

Are Retailers Doing Enough To Verify Age When Selling Knives Online?

In the UK, it is illegal to sell a knife to anyone under the age of 18, unless it has a folding blade which is 3 inches long or less. While this has been the law in the UK for a while now, some [...]

What Will E-Commerce Look Like in A Post-COVID World?

2020 was the year that no one expected. The world shut down, businesses closed, and many struggled to survive. For some in the e-commerce industry, however, business was booming, and many [...]

AVPA monthly blog

As the tech sector awaits the somewhat overdue government response to its consultation on the Online Harms White Paper, two important previews of its thinking were published last week. The first [...]